Roy Baker Outdoors - Caesar Guerini
BullsBlast will be held rain or shine. Shooting will be ceased if lightning nearby.
Pre-registered teams and team members only are allowed at venue on day of event. No individual or team registration is available the day of the event.
Unfortunately shooters under the age of 18 years old are not allowed to participate. Team registrations only are available.
If you are not part of a team please email bullsblast@philanthropy-partners.com if you are interested in joining a team with others. We cannot guarantee placement but will attempt to match you with others seeking a team placement.
Shooting expert from Tampa Bay Sporting Clays will offer an orientation class for first time or inexperienced shooters.
See what a great shot Rocky is?
BullsBlast 2024
Event Schedule
Date: October 31, 2024
Location: Tampa Bay Sporting Clays
10:00-11:30 Team Check In
10:30-11:00 Sporting Clay 101 Class
10:00-12:00 Vendor Displays
Roy Baker Outdoors
USF Alumni Association
USF Bulls Club
Allen Williamson Cases
Land Rover
Sportsman's Warehouse
11:30 Lunch service begins
12:15 Introductions, Program & Safety
1:15 Shooters Released to Course
3:00 Scorecard Deadline - Awards & Prizes
Great prizes are available for our game of chance. Tickets included in each sponsor package.
Photography courtesy of
Aerial Innovations.
Grill & Provisions will be serving a scrumptious lunch.
If you require a special meal advise at least 72 hours in advance.
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